Ag+Care奈米銀膜口罩,是目前業界品質最頂級的產品。它是用離子濺射鍍膜的方式,將奈米銀附著在不織布上面 --- 奈米銀膜。離子濺射鍍膜上的奈米銀濃度相當高,而且不會掉落,理論上,是永久有效。
什麼是離子濺射鍍膜呢? 這是目前奈米銀的最高技術,在一個真空的環境之下,用電子槍去撞擊銀靶,使奈米銀離子彈跳出來,附著在不織布上面。這種離子濺射鍍膜的方式,能使銀離子非常牢靠緻密的與不織布結合在一起。Ag+Care奈米銀膜可以殺死金黃色葡萄球菌、大腸桿菌、白色念珠球菌與綠膿桿菌等菌種。同時可抑制過濾病毒的活性,經實驗證明可將H5N1禽流感毒性降低為原來的1/500。
1. Ag+Care奈米銀膜口罩符合SGS/歐盟雙認證。
2. 真正有效的口罩,不是戴安心的.有檢驗報告SGS/歐盟雙認證。
3. 最新奈米銀離子濺射鍍膜科技,一般口罩只能阻止飛沫、口水侵入。
4. 奈米銀膜製造,可殺死外來細菌/霉菌。
5. 透氣性極佳,呼吸順暢。
1. 奈米銀可殺死 99.9%的細菌,霉菌和病毒
2. 高效率
3. 快速反應
4. 無毒性
5. 無刺激性6. 不會產生過敏
7. 無抗藥性
產品的優點 :
1. 符合環保要求且無毒
2. 對人體無害
3. 透氣性極佳,長期佩帶呼吸順暢4. 多種功能包含:抗菌、抗病毒、殺菌、防霉、除臭
5. 抗菌種類高達650種,可降低病毒活性
1. 淺黃色那一面就是奈米銀膜, 配戴時朝外,以達最佳滅菌效果。
2. 有鐵絲的那一邊在上,鐵絲邊可根據鼻樑塑形,讓整個口罩的密合度不錯,使用得當,90%以上的空氣會經過奈米銀膜,而不會從空隙處漏進。口罩要下拉到蓋至下巴、上拉蓋住鼻子,再壓緊鼻上的口罩鐵條,使口罩緊密蓋在臉上,才能對付流感入侵。
3. Ag+Care奈米銀膜口罩的設計是用來殺細菌與病毒,是用來預防流感之用(或任何飛沫傳染),不是用來過濾汽車廢氣。若是要過濾有毒氣體,請用活性碳口罩(短效)或防毒面具(長效)。
4. 配戴時不需沾水。
Nano Silver has been tested effective against H5N1 and over more than 650 kinds of harmful bacteria like the BIRD FLU, Tuberculosis, AIDS, Hepatitis. And tests have proved that Nano Silver will not stimulate the skin, not harmful to humans, which is the actual non-toxic-class products.
BioSum Technology apply the leading edge of Nano Silver & Sputtering technology to develop Silver Film nonwoven fabric, certified by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China and tested by the BSL-3 State Key Laboratory, may effectively reduce the vital activity of the H5N1 avian influenza (bird flu) virus to a log value of 2.75, which is equivalent in reduction to 1/500.
Testing results by SGS showed that the bacteriostatic effect of the nonwoven fabric with Nano Silver film for Peumococcus, Staphylococcus, Aurcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, reached 99.9%. The fabric when used for ordinary flu victims can reduce the chance of pneumonia complication.
The Silver Film materials is a photosensitive material. A slight change in appearance and color shall occur with sunlight, but it will not cause any effect to its bacteriostatic capability.
Key Features:
1. Nano-Silver destroys 99.9% of bacteria, mold and germs.
2. High efficacious
3. Fast acting
4. Non poisonous
5. Non stimulating
6. Non allergic
7. Tolerance free
8. Hydrophilic
1. Environment friendly and non toxic
2. Harmless to human body
3. Multi-functions such as anti-bacteria, anti-virus, sterilization and anti-fungus.
4. Excellent lasting effects
5. Broad range of anti-bacteria spectrum
1. Ag+Care奈米銀膜口罩符合SGS/歐盟雙認證。
2. 真正有效的口罩,不是戴安心的.有檢驗報告SGS/歐盟雙認證。
3. 最新奈米銀離子濺射鍍膜科技,一般口罩只能阻止飛沫、口水侵入。
4. 奈米銀膜製造,可殺死外來細菌/霉菌。
5. 透氣性極佳,呼吸順暢。
1. 奈米銀可殺死 99.9%的細菌,霉菌和病毒
2. 高效率
3. 快速反應
4. 無毒性
5. 無刺激性6. 不會產生過敏
7. 無抗藥性
產品的優點 :
1. 符合環保要求且無毒
2. 對人體無害
3. 透氣性極佳,長期佩帶呼吸順暢4. 多種功能包含:抗菌、抗病毒、殺菌、防霉、除臭
5. 抗菌種類高達650種,可降低病毒活性
1. 淺黃色那一面就是奈米銀膜, 配戴時朝外,以達最佳滅菌效果。
2. 有鐵絲的那一邊在上,鐵絲邊可根據鼻樑塑形,讓整個口罩的密合度不錯,使用得當,90%以上的空氣會經過奈米銀膜,而不會從空隙處漏進。口罩要下拉到蓋至下巴、上拉蓋住鼻子,再壓緊鼻上的口罩鐵條,使口罩緊密蓋在臉上,才能對付流感入侵。
3. Ag+Care奈米銀膜口罩的設計是用來殺細菌與病毒,是用來預防流感之用(或任何飛沫傳染),不是用來過濾汽車廢氣。若是要過濾有毒氣體,請用活性碳口罩(短效)或防毒面具(長效)。
4. 配戴時不需沾水。
Nano Silver has been tested effective against H5N1 and over more than 650 kinds of harmful bacteria like the BIRD FLU, Tuberculosis, AIDS, Hepatitis. And tests have proved that Nano Silver will not stimulate the skin, not harmful to humans, which is the actual non-toxic-class products.
BioSum Technology apply the leading edge of Nano Silver & Sputtering technology to develop Silver Film nonwoven fabric, certified by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China and tested by the BSL-3 State Key Laboratory, may effectively reduce the vital activity of the H5N1 avian influenza (bird flu) virus to a log value of 2.75, which is equivalent in reduction to 1/500.
Testing results by SGS showed that the bacteriostatic effect of the nonwoven fabric with Nano Silver film for Peumococcus, Staphylococcus, Aurcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, reached 99.9%. The fabric when used for ordinary flu victims can reduce the chance of pneumonia complication.
The Silver Film materials is a photosensitive material. A slight change in appearance and color shall occur with sunlight, but it will not cause any effect to its bacteriostatic capability.
Key Features:
1. Nano-Silver destroys 99.9% of bacteria, mold and germs.
2. High efficacious
3. Fast acting
4. Non poisonous
5. Non stimulating
6. Non allergic
7. Tolerance free
8. Hydrophilic
1. Environment friendly and non toxic
2. Harmless to human body
3. Multi-functions such as anti-bacteria, anti-virus, sterilization and anti-fungus.
4. Excellent lasting effects
5. Broad range of anti-bacteria spectrum