Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Ag+Care Quick Care 抗感染奈米銀膜防水透氣繃

在BioSum創新理念裡,我們運用了多種廣為醫生及醫院普遍使用的高新科技,而開發出一種能照顧您全家人的創口貼。設計獨特之透氣孔:使汗水及水氣更容易排除;特殊之材質:擁有最佳延展性及舒適性外,即使在透氣孔間,仍能保持皮膚乾燥及清爽。 超強膠質:低過敏性,即使在潮濕情況下仍能粘貼、牢固。非粘性紗布墊:不粘傷口。紗布墊邊緣加強膠質:避免傷口與外界塵埃接觸及其他細菌感染。

Ag+Care抗感染奈米銀膜防水透氣繃,應用高科技的BioSum Ag+Care奈米銀膜離子濺射鍍膜技術製成。經驗證,這種創口貼具有長效殺菌抗感染作用,傷口療效顯著。在出汗、潮濕、淋雨等惡劣條件下,抗感染效果不減,而且使用方便,用清水沖洗傷口後直接敷上即可。


1. 奈米銀可殺死 99.9%的細菌,霉菌和病毒
2. 高效率
3. 快速反應
4. 無毒性
5. 無刺激性
6. 不會產生過敏
7. 無抗藥性

產品的優點 :
1. 符合環保要求且無毒
2. 對人體無害
3. 透氣性極佳,可長期使用
4. 多種功能包含:抗菌、抗病毒、殺菌、防霉、除臭
5. 抗菌種類高達650種,可降低病毒活性


1. 本品為一次性使用產品本品為無菌產品,如發現包裝袋有破損或已打開,請勿使用。
2. 使用時避免手接觸吸收墊。
3. 使用中若出現過敏現象,請立即停止使用,並請教醫生。

Convenient one-step infection protection that heals wounds faster than with an ordinary bandage. Also minimizes the appearance of scars.

100% Waterproof – shields out water, dirt, and germs, even when wet.

Ag+Care Quick Care are proven to Prevent and Eliminate A. Baumannii Infections in all types of Hospital, Military, and Nursing Home Settings. Nano-Silver "naturally" kills 99.9% of bacteria, mold and germs. BioSum technology chose to use silver because it is a safe and healthy method of sterilization.

Speaking of saving money, products impregnated with Silver Film (nano silver) are on the rise, and wound dressings are no exception. Knowledge of the possibilities for nano silver has been around some years but has only recently been brought to the forefront. The advantages of nano silver are impressive: it's a natural broad-spectrum antibiotic; ifs activated by wound exudate; bacteria are attracted to it; and bacteria don't grow resistant to it. Anything that can kill harmful bacteria while not engendering resistance is "a good thing,".

Key Features:
1. Nano-Silver destroys 99.9% of bacteria, mold and germs.
2. High efficacious
3. Fast acting
4. Non poisonous
5. Non stimulating
6. Non allergic
7. Tolerance free
8. Hydrophilic

1. Environment friendly and non toxic
2. Harmless to human body
3. Multi-functions such as anti-bacteria, anti-virus, sterilization and anti-fungus.
4. Excellent lasting effects
5. Broad range of anti-bacteria spectrum