Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Ag+Care Silver Film 奈米銀膜

Ag+Care奈米銀膜有效殺死 650多種細菌,適用於開放性創傷,外科手術傷口,傷口糖尿病,慢性傷口,燙傷、燒傷及其他預防保健應用上。

奈米銀膜燒燙傷抗菌貼膜,是目前業界品質最頂級的產品。它是用離子濺射鍍膜的方式,將奈米銀附著在不織布上面 --- 奈米銀膜。離子濺射鍍膜上的奈米銀濃度相當高,而且不會掉落,理論上,是永久有效。

什麼是離子濺射鍍膜? 這是目前奈米銀的最高技術,在一個真空的環境之下,用電子槍去撞擊銀靶,使奈米銀離子彈跳出來,附著在不織布上面。這種離子濺射鍍膜的方式,能使銀離子非常牢靠緻密的與不織布結合在一起。



1. 奈米銀可殺死 99.9%的細菌,霉菌和病毒

2. 高效率

3. 快速反應

4. 無毒性

5. 無刺激性

6. 不會產生過敏

7. 無抗藥性


1. 符合環保要求且無毒

2. 對人體無害

3. 透氣性極佳,可長期使用

4. 多種功能包含:抗菌、抗病毒、殺菌、防霉、除臭

5. 抗菌種類高達650種,可降低病毒活性

Nano Silver has been tested effective against H5N1 and over more than 650 kinds of harmful bacteria like the BIRD FLU, Tuberculosis, AIDS, Hepatitis. And tests have proved that Nano Silver will not stimulate the skin, not harmful to humans, which is the actual non-toxic-class products.

BioSum Technology apply the leading edge of Nano Silver & Sputtering technology to develop Silver Film nonwoven fabric, certified by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China and tested by the BSL-3 State Key Laboratory, may effectively reduce the vital activity of the H5N1 avian influenza (bird flu) virus to a log value of 2.75, which is equivalent in reduction to 1/500.

Testing results by SGS showed that the bacteriostatic effect of the nonwoven fabric with Nano Silver film for Peumococcus, Staphylococcus, Aurcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, reached 99.9%. The fabric when used for ordinary flu victims can reduce the chance of pneumonia complication.

The Silver Film materials is a photosensitive material. A slight change in appearance and color shall occur with sunlight, but it will not cause any effect to its bacteriostatic capability.

Key Features :

1. Nano-Silver destroys 99.9% of bacteria, mold and germs.

2. High efficacious

3. Fast acting

4. Non poisonous

5. Non stimulating

6. Non allergic

7. Tolerance free

8. Hydrophilic

Benefits :

1. Environment friendly and non toxic

2. Harmless to human body

3. Multi-functions such as anti-bacteria, anti-virus, sterilization and anti-fungus.

4. Excellent lasting effects

5. Broad range of anti-bacteria spectrum

Ag+Care Air Conditioner pre-filter 柰米銀膜空氣濾網

均勻分佈於濾網上的奈米銀膜,可將吸附在濾網上 的各種細菌消滅掉、並抑制病毒的成長滋生。不必更換昂貴的殺菌冷氣機,Ag+Care奈米銀膜空氣濾網給您一個清新、無菌、無過敏原的舒適環境。

夏季來臨,在使用冷氣機之 前,是不是也已經為冷氣機準備好專用的Ag+Care奈米銀膜空氣濾網,讓機器多一層過濾口罩,以確保空間清淨?

夏天一向是空氣濾網使用量最大的時期,因為空氣 中的粉塵、細菌飛揚,更容易造成呼吸道不順暢。國人對空氣濾網的接受度越來越高,有三成以上的使用者是家中有六歲以下兒童的家庭,以25歲到45歲的消費者接受度最高,這和逐年來消費者對居 家環境、個人健康生活加倍重視有關。


Ag+Care奈米銀膜空氣濾網的材料主要為環保、可回收的聚丙烯不織布,利用不織布的細密孔隙阻擋較大粒子和微塵, 再透過奈米銀殺死空氣中的細菌、霉菌等,並可抑制病毒生長,有效阻絕空氣中的壞分子。奈米銀膜空氣濾網上看不見的奈米銀離子,是決定濾網功能的關鍵,家庭 使用Ag+Care奈米銀膜空氣濾網,就形同為家戴上防護性的口罩。


除了技術進步,使用方法也更便利,除了適用一般冷氣的通用型之外,Ag+Care奈米銀膜空 氣濾網已有固定規格的方便貼功能,可直接貼用於分離式和一噸以內的冷氣機。

消費者在使用Ag+Care奈米銀膜空氣濾網時,可別以為貼得越多越有用,其實,只要在冷氣機或除濕機的濾網表面黏貼三分之二大小 的奈米銀空氣濾網即可,整個貼滿可能會造成冷氣機的負擔,影響冷房效果。張貼之前一定要先將原有的濾網洗乾淨並擦乾,貼的時候也要考慮風向,盡量上下左右 貼得對稱。

持續使用Ag+Care奈米銀膜空 氣濾網,大約30~40 就要更換一次;或是當發現家中冷氣變得比較不冷,也是該換Ag+Care奈米銀膜空氣濾網的時候了。Ag+Care奈米銀膜空氣濾網和口罩同屬拋棄型用品,消費者一定要定期更換,才能維持最佳的防護效能,因為當網層上 的累積太多空氣中的異物之後,過濾效果會逐漸降低,也會降低Ag+Care奈米銀膜空氣濾網的透氣性。丟棄時應該用塑膠袋包裝起來,以避免造成汙染。


1. 奈米銀離子濺射鍍膜科技處理

奈米銀離子濺射鍍膜科技處理過的濾網可強力殺死引起過敏氣喘的細菌,並可抑制病毒生長,Ag+Care奈米銀膜 空氣濾網的原理是在不織布纖維內植入帶正電位永久性奈米銀離子,使布面上充滿奈米銀離子,對付空氣中的懸浮微粒,使細菌、病毒在通過濾網時被吸附在布面 上,如同磁鐵一般。擁有專利的奈米銀離子濺射鍍膜技術,可有效濾除小於0.1微米的細小分子,減少引起呼吸道不適的可能。Ag+Care奈米銀膜空氣濾網沒有添加任何化學藥劑,不會引起化學過敏。

2. 特殊專利不織布織法,不會增加空氣循環的負擔

Ag+Care奈米銀膜空氣濾網,採用專利的不織布織法,不僅可以提高單位面積的濾菌功能,更增加濾網的透風度,不會增 加冷氣機、除濕機、空氣清淨機的負擔,無損於機體的使用壽命,也不會降低冷氣機的冷房效果,讓您使用安心!



1. 奈米銀可殺死 99.9%的細菌,霉菌和病毒

2. 高效率
3. 快速反應
4. 無毒性

Nano-Silver ions have been proven to effectively sterilize over 650 types of bacteria. Used by NASA to purify water on space missions, BioSum Technology has adopted Nano, Silver Film & Sputtering technology to ensure the most precise filtration. Nano-Silver kills bacteria and deodorize air, ensuring your environment is clean and safe to breathe.

BioSum Technology employs one of the most advanced sterilization technologies in the Ag+Care Air Conditioner pre-filter. The pre-filter has applied with Nano-Silver anti-microbial coating which keeps germs from growing inside the unit and prevents allergy-causing bacteria from being blown into the air. Nano-Silver coatings greatly reduce the presence of fungi and bacteria.

Key Features:

1. Nano-Silver destroys airborne bacteria, mold and germs.

2. Trap large size particles and pet hair.


1. Environment friendly and non toxic

2. Harmless to human body

3. Multi-functions such as anti-bacteria, anti-virus, sterilization, anti-fungus and deodorization.

4. Excellent lasting effects

5. Broad range of anti-bacteria spectrum

6. Excellent cleaning capability by trapping large size particles and dust

Ag+Care Face Mask 奈米銀膜口罩

Ag+Care奈米銀膜口罩,是目前業界品質最頂級的產品。它是用離子濺射鍍膜的方式,將奈米銀附著在不織布上面 --- 奈米銀膜。離子濺射鍍膜上的奈米銀濃度相當高,而且不會掉落,理論上,是永久有效。

什麼是離子濺射鍍膜呢? 這是目前奈米銀的最高技術,在一個真空的環境之下,用電子槍去撞擊銀靶,使奈米銀離子彈跳出來,附著在不織布上面。這種離子濺射鍍膜的方式,能使銀離子非常牢靠緻密的與不織布結合在一起。Ag+Care奈米銀膜可以殺死金黃色葡萄球菌、大腸桿菌、白色念珠球菌與綠膿桿菌等菌種。同時可抑制過濾病毒的活性,經實驗證明可將H5N1禽流感毒性降低為原來的1/500。

1. Ag+Care奈米銀膜口罩符合SGS/歐盟雙認證。
2. 真正有效的口罩,不是戴安心的.有檢驗報告SGS/歐盟雙認證。
3. 最新奈米銀離子濺射鍍膜科技,一般口罩只能阻止飛沫、口水侵入。
4. 奈米銀膜製造,可殺死外來細菌/霉菌。
5. 透氣性極佳,呼吸順暢。


1. 奈米銀可殺死 99.9%的細菌,霉菌和病毒
2. 高效率
3. 快速反應
4. 無毒性
5. 無刺激性6. 不會產生過敏
7. 無抗藥性

產品的優點 :
1. 符合環保要求且無毒
2. 對人體無害
3. 透氣性極佳,長期佩帶呼吸順暢4. 多種功能包含:抗菌、抗病毒、殺菌、防霉、除臭
5. 抗菌種類高達650種,可降低病毒活性



1. 淺黃色那一面就是奈米銀膜, 配戴時朝外,以達最佳滅菌效果。
2. 有鐵絲的那一邊在上,鐵絲邊可根據鼻樑塑形,讓整個口罩的密合度不錯,使用得當,90%以上的空氣會經過奈米銀膜,而不會從空隙處漏進。口罩要下拉到蓋至下巴、上拉蓋住鼻子,再壓緊鼻上的口罩鐵條,使口罩緊密蓋在臉上,才能對付流感入侵。
3. Ag+Care奈米銀膜口罩的設計是用來殺細菌與病毒,是用來預防流感之用(或任何飛沫傳染),不是用來過濾汽車廢氣。若是要過濾有毒氣體,請用活性碳口罩(短效)或防毒面具(長效)。
4. 配戴時不需沾水。

Nano Silver has been tested effective against H5N1 and over more than 650 kinds of harmful bacteria like the BIRD FLU, Tuberculosis, AIDS, Hepatitis. And tests have proved that Nano Silver will not stimulate the skin, not harmful to humans, which is the actual non-toxic-class products.

BioSum Technology apply the leading edge of Nano Silver & Sputtering technology to develop Silver Film nonwoven fabric, certified by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China and tested by the BSL-3 State Key Laboratory, may effectively reduce the vital activity of the H5N1 avian influenza (bird flu) virus to a log value of 2.75, which is equivalent in reduction to 1/500.

Testing results by SGS showed that the bacteriostatic effect of the nonwoven fabric with Nano Silver film for Peumococcus, Staphylococcus, Aurcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, reached 99.9%. The fabric when used for ordinary flu victims can reduce the chance of pneumonia complication.

The Silver Film materials is a photosensitive material. A slight change in appearance and color shall occur with sunlight, but it will not cause any effect to its bacteriostatic capability.

Key Features:
1. Nano-Silver destroys 99.9% of bacteria, mold and germs.
2. High efficacious
3. Fast acting
4. Non poisonous
5. Non stimulating
6. Non allergic
7. Tolerance free
8. Hydrophilic

1. Environment friendly and non toxic
2. Harmless to human body
3. Multi-functions such as anti-bacteria, anti-virus, sterilization and anti-fungus.
4. Excellent lasting effects
5. Broad range of anti-bacteria spectrum

Ag+Care Quick Care 抗感染奈米銀膜防水透氣繃

在BioSum創新理念裡,我們運用了多種廣為醫生及醫院普遍使用的高新科技,而開發出一種能照顧您全家人的創口貼。設計獨特之透氣孔:使汗水及水氣更容易排除;特殊之材質:擁有最佳延展性及舒適性外,即使在透氣孔間,仍能保持皮膚乾燥及清爽。 超強膠質:低過敏性,即使在潮濕情況下仍能粘貼、牢固。非粘性紗布墊:不粘傷口。紗布墊邊緣加強膠質:避免傷口與外界塵埃接觸及其他細菌感染。

Ag+Care抗感染奈米銀膜防水透氣繃,應用高科技的BioSum Ag+Care奈米銀膜離子濺射鍍膜技術製成。經驗證,這種創口貼具有長效殺菌抗感染作用,傷口療效顯著。在出汗、潮濕、淋雨等惡劣條件下,抗感染效果不減,而且使用方便,用清水沖洗傷口後直接敷上即可。


1. 奈米銀可殺死 99.9%的細菌,霉菌和病毒
2. 高效率
3. 快速反應
4. 無毒性
5. 無刺激性
6. 不會產生過敏
7. 無抗藥性

產品的優點 :
1. 符合環保要求且無毒
2. 對人體無害
3. 透氣性極佳,可長期使用
4. 多種功能包含:抗菌、抗病毒、殺菌、防霉、除臭
5. 抗菌種類高達650種,可降低病毒活性


1. 本品為一次性使用產品本品為無菌產品,如發現包裝袋有破損或已打開,請勿使用。
2. 使用時避免手接觸吸收墊。
3. 使用中若出現過敏現象,請立即停止使用,並請教醫生。

Convenient one-step infection protection that heals wounds faster than with an ordinary bandage. Also minimizes the appearance of scars.

100% Waterproof – shields out water, dirt, and germs, even when wet.

Ag+Care Quick Care are proven to Prevent and Eliminate A. Baumannii Infections in all types of Hospital, Military, and Nursing Home Settings. Nano-Silver "naturally" kills 99.9% of bacteria, mold and germs. BioSum technology chose to use silver because it is a safe and healthy method of sterilization.

Speaking of saving money, products impregnated with Silver Film (nano silver) are on the rise, and wound dressings are no exception. Knowledge of the possibilities for nano silver has been around some years but has only recently been brought to the forefront. The advantages of nano silver are impressive: it's a natural broad-spectrum antibiotic; ifs activated by wound exudate; bacteria are attracted to it; and bacteria don't grow resistant to it. Anything that can kill harmful bacteria while not engendering resistance is "a good thing,".

Key Features:
1. Nano-Silver destroys 99.9% of bacteria, mold and germs.
2. High efficacious
3. Fast acting
4. Non poisonous
5. Non stimulating
6. Non allergic
7. Tolerance free
8. Hydrophilic

1. Environment friendly and non toxic
2. Harmless to human body
3. Multi-functions such as anti-bacteria, anti-virus, sterilization and anti-fungus.
4. Excellent lasting effects
5. Broad range of anti-bacteria spectrum

Ag+Care Wound Dressing 奈米銀膜燒燙傷抗菌貼膜

金黃色葡萄球菌容易感染皮膚上的傷口,引起膿腫及組織壞死。金黃色葡萄球菌的毒性極高,加上極多此屬的細菌已對很多類型的抗生素產生抗藥性,其中最受矚目的是抗藥性金黃色葡萄球菌(Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, MRSA),MRSA可以抵抗所有的青黴素,目前已有新的抗生素(長效的四環黴素)可供治療,但考慮其價格、藥物毒性、和引起更大的抗藥性,醫界也不建議在第一線使用。經實驗證明,奈米銀膜的產品可有效殺金黃色葡萄球菌、抗藥性金黃色葡萄球菌達99.9%。

Ag+Care奈米銀膜燒燙傷抗菌貼膜也能有效殺死 650多種細菌,適用於開放性創傷,外科手術傷口,傷口糖尿病,慢性傷口,燙傷及燒傷。BioSum Ag+Care奈米銀膜選擇使用奈米銀科技於燒燙傷抗菌貼膜上,因為它是一個安全和健康的消毒殺菌方法。

Ag+Care奈米銀膜燒燙傷抗菌貼膜,是目前業界品質最頂級的產品。它是用離子濺射鍍膜的方式,將奈米銀附著在不織布上面 --- 奈米銀膜。離子濺射鍍膜上的奈米銀濃度相當高,而且不會掉落,理論上,是永久有效。

什麼是離子濺射鍍膜呢? 這是目前奈米銀的最高技術,在一個真空的環境之下,用電子槍去撞擊銀靶,使奈米銀離子彈跳出來,附著在不織布上面。這種離子濺射鍍膜的方式,能使銀離子非常牢靠緻密的與不織布結合在一起。Ag+Care奈米銀膜可以殺死金黃色葡萄球菌、大腸桿菌、白色念珠球菌與綠膿桿菌等菌種。同時可抑制過濾病毒的活性,經實驗證明可將H5N1禽流感毒性降低為原來的1/500。

1. 奈米銀可殺死 99.9%的細菌,霉菌和病毒
2. 高效率
3. 快速反應
4. 無毒性
5. 無刺激性
6. 不會產生過敏
7. 無抗藥性

產品的優點 :
1. 符合環保要求且無毒
2. 對人體無害
3. 透氣性極佳,可長期使用
4. 多種功能包含:抗菌、抗病毒、殺菌、防霉、除臭
5. 抗菌種類高達650種,可降低病毒活性

Acinetobacter baumannii is a species of pathogenic bacteria called aerobic gram-negative bacillus and is naturally sensitive to relatively few antibiotics. A. baumannii forms opportunistic infections. There have been many reports of A. baumannii infections among American soldiers wounded in Iraq. Multi-drug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii' is abbreviated as MDRAB. Multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter is not a new phenomenon, but A baumannii has always been inherently resistant to multiple antibiotics.

Acinetobacter enters into the body through open wounds, catheters, and breathing tubes. It usually infects those with compromised immune systems, such as the wounded, the elderly, children or those with immune diseases.

The first military outbreaks of severe A. Baumannii infections occurred in April, 2003 in American soldiers returning from Iraq. Early reports attributed the infections to the Iraqi soil. Later testing demonstrated widespread contamination of field hospitals as the most plausible vector.

Ag+Care Wound Dressings is the Solution for the Prevention and Elimination of Acinetobacter baumannii Bacteria in Open Wounds, Surgical Wounds, Diabetic Wounds, Chronic Wounds, Scald & Burn.

Ag+Care Wound Dressings are proven to Prevent and Eliminate A. Baumannii Infections in all types of Hospital, Military, and Nursing Home Settings. Nano-Silver "naturally" kills 99.9% of bacteria, mold and germs. BioSum technology chose to use silver because it is a safe and healthy method of sterilization.

Speaking of saving money, products impregnated with ionic silver are on the rise, and wound dressings are no exception. Knowledge of the possibilities for ionic silver has been around some years but has only recently been brought to the forefront. The advantages of ionic silver are impressive: it's a natural broad-spectrum antibiotic; activated by wound exudate; bacteria are attracted to it; and bacteria don't grow resistant to it. Anything that can kill harmful bacteria while not engendering resistance is "a good thing,".

Key Features:
1. Nano-Silver destroys 99.9% of bacteria, mold and germs.
2. High efficacious
3. Fast acting
4. Non poisonous
5. Non stimulating
6. Non allergic
7. Tolerance free
8. Hydrophilic

1. Environment friendly and non toxic
2. Harmless to human body
3. Multi-functions such as anti-bacteria, anti-virus, sterilization and anti-fungus.
4. Excellent lasting effects
5. Broad range of anti-bacteria spectrum